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FRONTIER - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1997 - PAGE 3 <br />City votes to seek new recreatic agreement for lO07principars <br />Zimmer[nan will no longer be part o[ Com[nulrity Rocreation progra[n Corner <br /> <br />Pat Butch <br /> <br />by Tracle Wlvoda <br />Staff wdter <br /> The Zimmennan City <br />Conncil recently voted to <br />disconthum participation for <br />1997 in the seven-coimnu:d- <br />ly Joinl Powe~ r~reation <br />syslem. <br /> Pat Burch, a local ~sident <br />and physical education <br />leacher al Zimmerumn <br />Eiemenln~ ~lmol preseu~ <br />ed council member, ~t the <br />Monday, l)ee. 16 meeting, <br />wilh a proposal offe~ng <br />recrealion activilies in <br />Zimmo~na n. <br /> "1 Ihel Hint the city and <br />rosidenls ne~ more affo~- <br />able aad nceessible leisn~ <br />th~m aclJvilies,~ Bu~h said. <br />"i just wahl I~ do somel)dng <br />for mir eo~nmu <br /> ~u~h prol~oaed a program <br />for lira oily Hint wouhl offer <br />ael~vili~s every day of Ihe <br />week from June 16 through <br />Aug. 15 for n cost of approx- <br />imately $ [3,250. <br /> lie also said the cost of <br />ntnning II~e progrmn could <br />bo shared with l,ivouia <br />'~wnshil,, if it wishes to par* <br />I.~eipala in the program. <br /> Last year, the city of <br />Zi~erman paid $4,773 for <br />the admhdstratim~ of the <br />seven-commu ~Ly Joint <br />Powers r~ren~on pr~mm, <br />for whioh funds are ~oled <br />by fiv~ eilles and two town- <br />ships, ~ne being Livona. For <br />this yon,-, tho co~l lo Ihe cily <br /> <br /> The Commu nity <br /> <br /> Recreation Program pro- <br /> vide, a recreation direcler <br /> for tile area comprised n£EIk <br /> River, O/sega, Dayton, <br /> Rogers, Zimmerman plus <br /> Livonia and ilnssan town- <br /> ships. <br />, Under dir~Oou from the <br />council earlier this year, <br />Bush spent lhe last three <br />months puttit~ t~ether <br /> relhni~ry proposal, which <br /> e pre.enid ~ the council. <br />~ aid ldm in this pries., <br />he met with John ~ell ~rom <br />l~e Mi~ea~lis Park Board <br />and ~lked with him shout <br />how the pm~am is n~n in <br />~iuneapolis. Butch previ- <br />ously worked ~or the <br />Minneapolis Park and <br />Recreation Deparbnent for <br />four <br />'Due ~ my experience <br />war'ag with the Park and <br />Recreation Deparhnent, <br />know that the conmm~dlies <br />of Zh~ennan and Livonia <br />can provide our children <br />with a much ~ttor and less <br />expensive snl~lHor recre- <br />ation program," he said. <br /> '~he summer recre~Hion <br /> pm~ will ae~e os <br />~int ia unif~ug our com- <br />mustily," he added. 'rho <br />pur~ae o~ ~e summer pm- <br />~am Is lhme fohl: I~ to pm- <br />vide aflbrdable leisure nctiv- <br />itiee ~or our ~mmu nity. 2) <br />pm~de pm~ams tirol are <br />eas~y accessible ~ our com- <br />reunify, and 3) to provide a <br />safe en~m~ent for chil- <br />d~n to experience the po, i- <br />tire benefits of a lmlanced <br />recreation program." <br /> According Io Berch. <br />worked closely with a yeti- <br />ely ofhiahly qualified people <br />from the Minneal~dis P~rk <br />and RecreaUon Department <br />and the Becker Commuuily <br />Center. <br />T~ough their gnidance <br />~nd cooperation, he has <br />d~sign~ a smmner recta- <br />ation program Ibat will <br />address ~e needs of all the <br />ch~dmn in ~e Zi~mnemmn <br /> <br /> lie pro~su~ to provide all <br /> of the same activilies lhat <br /> ~re currenlly hoin~ offerv, I <br /> in Ibc Zimmcrmn,* a~v~* hy <br /> Co~nu~dty Recreafio~ <br /> <br />well as adding some other <br />fun activities. <br />Tile activities will be at the <br />Zinnnerman Elesnentary <br />School, as well as at the civic <br />baihling. In comparison to <br />what is being offered <br />throngh Community Rec- <br />reation, the lees for activi- <br />t~es will be considerably less <br />(average $11.85) than what <br />is currently being charged <br />(average $23.85). <br /> lis additiosL Ihe program <br />will also save Ihs city money <br />because the assessment <br />charges are less and the <br />insl.mclor fees would come <br />from the regislralJon costs. <br />"Also, by providing afford- <br />ahle leisure activities that <br />are close to home, enroll- <br />meat shouhl lreatlv <br />increase, which will allow <br />more children to lmve an <br />opporhlnity in participate in <br />smmner recreation activi- <br />l~es," he continued. <br />Butch's proposed Summer <br />Recreation Program calls for <br />a tot~! munber of 26 activi- <br />ties, slot including special <br />events. Commanity Recrea- <br />tion offered 15 activilles for <br />clfildren in the Zimmennan <br />area last aUlnlaer. <br /> He also stated tlmt ff the <br />council was willing, lie <br />would like to plan and pro- <br />pose a separate recreation <br />hrogram available during <br />e school year, starting in <br />the fall of 1997 and nmrdng <br />through spring, 1998. <br />"I didn't expect Ihesn to <br />make a decision right then <br />and there," he said, "I'm <br />happy that they decided Io <br />o wills it even if I,ivonia <br />oesn't, by seekilkg addition- <br />al sources of ri;remic. I,inda <br />(Frederick) really wailts to <br />see this program work," he <br />added, "A lot had to cio with <br />her encouraging me to put <br />together the proposal for <br />consideralion. <br /> "I didn't see a d,~wn side," <br />he continued. "Fmnilies can <br />save money, the city can <br />save Inuney, and more acLiv- <br />flies will be offered for chil- <br />dren to participate ill. Ill a <br />m,lshell, you'w~ ahandolmd <br />a pr()t[iHiin tirol ce. Is Inore. <br />The same type of program <br /> <br />can be run offering more <br />activities at a lesser cost." <br />Mayor Linde Frederick <br />staled that she feels that Ihe <br />cii~. could ask for donal~ons <br />from various local organize- <br />lions, and receive at least <br />the added expense of the <br />program over what the city <br />currently pays as a joint <br />powers contribution. <br />Lenz suggested that <br />Frederick, Mayor-elect Ran- <br />dy Hanson and Pat Batch <br />meet with Livonia Township <br />to determine if the town <br />board weald be interested in <br />working with the city au this <br />project. <br />Council then discussed rise <br />status of the joint powers <br />agreement with the Com- <br />munity Recreation Board <br />and reached consensus that <br />the benefits received frmn <br />tile agreement do not justify <br />the expelme. <br />Conncil members present <br />voted to notify the <br />Conununity Recreation <br />director, JeffAs£abl, that the <br />city was offering the <br />reqnired six*month notice, <br />and would be withdrawing <br />from memberslfip with the <br />Cosmnunity Recreation <br />Board. <br />Council fl*rther discussed <br />the possibility of au agree- <br />meat with Livonia <br />Township, Frederick value- <br />teared to serve on a joint <br />powers board for tho newly <br />created joint powers agree- <br />meat, ifit is developed. Lenz <br />.Isled ho weald like to see a <br />five-member board to oper- <br />ate effeclively. <br />Tho council voted to <br />appoint Frederick to sacra <br />ocs tim joint powers board if <br />and when it is fornmd. She <br />was also instructed to seek <br />dunatio,m from local non- <br />profit groups avaUablo for <br />community use, <br />Before the program begins <br />in the spring, Burch will <br />look for instructors, work on <br />caperwork, put together a <br />rochure which will be sent <br />out in March or April, set up <br />regislralion, and schedule <br />field e.d gym time. <br /> <br />by Llnda Willlams-Tuenge <br />(Mrs. W-T) <br />Zimmermat~ EletnentaG, <br />School <br />As we look ahead to rise <br />new year and think about <br />tile New Year's resoluUons <br />to make, my thoughts center <br />on children and their needs. <br />Children need: <br /> · A sense ofsigcdficancc <br /> -- let your children help <br />and be responsible <br /> -- respect year chihlren <br /> · ~curity <br /> -- a seose of ~longing <br /> ~ quality time from ~r- <br /> <br /> -- touching and affec~on <br /> * Acceptance <br /> -- recognize each child as <br />u~que <br /> -- listen when your <br />d~n tslk <br /> ' To love and be loved <br /> -- love is a learned <br />~s~nse <br /> ~ children model their <br />p~nt's behavior <br /> ~ love is ~siblo and s~- <br />ken <br /> . Discipline <br /> -- for Ihe sake of the child <br /> ~ establish limils <br /> -- respect the chihl <br /> . ~ bo ~ught to appr~i- <br />ate th~ fi~eli~ of others <br /> A new year i8 a lime <br />~flecL As you thiJ~k uhouL <br />whak you have dune ~or your <br />c~ldmn during tho last year <br />and the ne~a you have met, <br />at your~lf on the back and <br />e proud of ~e job you have <br />done. With those ar~s you <br />may have neglected, think <br />about working a bit harder <br />on meeting those needs dur- <br />lng 1997, llappy New Year <br />from the slaff at <br />~mmerumn Elcmenlary~ <br /> <br />ADVERTISING IF ONLY <br /> <br /> <br />