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PARKVlEW ADDITION <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY 1HESE PRESENTS: l~at the City of ~k ~. a M~n~ta M~ <br />C~at~, ~ ~ of ~e fdl~g ~ ~y ~ed ~ the ~nty of ~ume, <br />State of M~ne~t~ to ~ <br /> <br />Re North Half of the Northsaet Quarter, except the South Half of the Southeoat <br />Quarter of the Nortbeeet Quarter of the Northsaet Quarter of Sectlo~ 13, Township 32, <br />Range 26, Sherbume County, Minnesota. <br /> <br />11~at part of the No~hwe~ Qua~er of the Southwaet Quarter and that part of the <br />Southwa~ Quarter of the Northec~ Quarter of Section 13, Tow~hJp 32, Range 26, <br />134rig Noe~h end East of the au~lngten Northern Railway right of way. Shefoume <br />County, Minnesota. <br /> <br />Have cauesd the same to be aurveyed and platted ee PARKVIEW AD~TION, and do hereby donate <br />end dedicate to the public, for public use forever the Drive and al~o dedicating the ec~emonte for <br />drainage end utilty purpales orgy al eho~m en this plaL <br /> <br />In wlthesa wherenf, said City of Elk Rh~r, a Minnesota Munlclpal Corporation, has c<xseed these <br />presant~ to be signed by It~ proper officers this ~ day of 1~g7. <br /> <br />CITY OF' ELK RIVER <br />B~c <br /> <br />Henry A. Duitaman. Mayor <br /> <br />S~ndra A. 11~acke~ay, City Clerk <br /> <br />STA31~: OF <br />COUNTY OF <br /> <br />The foeego~g instrument wa~ oc~le~ged before me this __ day of <br /> 1~7, by Herwy A. Duitm~nan, Mayor foe the City of F~ River, <br />a Minnesata Municipal Corporation. on behalf of said ¢x~atlon. <br /> <br />Notary Public County, Minnesota <br />My Ca~mieslan Expires <br /> <br />STATE O~ <br />COUNTY OF <br /> <br />'l%e foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thls ~ day of <br /> 1997, by Sandra A. 3hackeray, City Clerk for the <br />City of nk River. o Minneaota Municipal Corporation, on be/naif of sold coq~3ratlon. <br /> <br />Notary Public County, Minnaloto <br />My Commisekm E~plrsa <br /> <br />I hereby certify that I ha~e ~urveyed and platted the praporty deeortbed on this plat al PARK~EW <br />ADDI11ON that this plat I~ a co~rect re~)resentoUon of the ~urvey, that all rn~numont~ have been <br />correctly placed in the ground as shown, that all distencee are correctly ehowa on the plat in feet <br />and hundredths of a foot, that the autside boundary lines ore correctly designated on the plat end <br />that there ore no wetlende al defined in Minnesota Statutes 505.02, Sub. I or public hf~h~)~ to <br />be designated other then as eho~n. <br /> <br />Frank $. Krlz, Land Surve)~r <br />Minnesota License No. 132~3 <br /> <br />STA3E Of' MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY Of' <br /> <br />The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was ad<nowledged before me this __ day of <br /> 1~7, by Frank S. Kriz. Land Surveyor. Minnesota License No: 13293 <br /> <br />Notary Public County, Minnesota <br />My Commlasien Expires <br /> <br />Approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Elk River Sherburne County, Minnesota, <br />at a meeting h~d this ~ day of 1997. <br /> <br />By:. Mayor ATTEST: Oerk <br /> <br />I hereby certify that prapor evidence of tiffs has been presented to and examined by me, and I <br />hereby approve thil Hat aa to form end ey~io~. Doted this ~ day of 1997. <br /> <br />River City Attorney <br /> <br />Purenont to Shorbume County Ordinance Number 010, I herel)y certify that this plat has been <br />checked end el>proved al to compliance with Chapter 505, Minnesota Statutes this day of <br /> 19 <br /> <br />Sheet)urns County Surve)or <br /> <br />No dalinquont taxal due and transfer entered this __ day of 19 <br /> <br />Sherbume County Auditor <br /> <br />I here~y certify taxes payable in the year <br /> doyof <br /> <br />on Ionda h~rein described ~re paid in full this <br /> 1997. <br /> <br />Sberbume County Tres~rer <br /> <br />I hereby certify that this Instrument wee flied in the office of the County Recorder for record on this <br /> day of , 1997, at __ o'clock ~m. and wee duly <br />recorded as Document No. <br /> <br />Sberbume County Recorder <br /> <br />Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets <br /> <br /> <br />