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IF "YES" IN QUESTION #89, ASK: <br /> <br />90. If City Council Meetings were VERY FREQUENTLY ...... ..5% <br />televised on cable television, how OCCASIONALLY .......... 15% <br />frequently would you watch these NEVER .................. 4% <br />broadcasts -- very frequently, DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 1% <br />occasionally, or never? ...... <br /> <br />91. <br /> <br />Do you feel that the city is too <br />tough, about right, or not tough <br />enough in enforcing the City Code <br />on such nuisances as animal con- <br />trol, unsightly yards, junk cars, <br />and noise? <br /> <br />TOO TOUGH .............. 3% <br />ABOUT RIGHT ........... 59% <br />NOT TOUGH ENOUGH ...... 30% <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 9% <br /> <br />IF "TO0 TOUGH" OR "NOT TOUGH ENOUGH" IN QUESTION #91, ASK': <br />92. Why do you feel that way? <br /> <br />LOOSE ANIMALS, 15%; THREE OR MORE PROBLEMS, 4%; JUNK <br />CARS, 3%; MESSY YARDS, 6%; EXCESSIVE NOISE, 1%; <br />SCATTERED, 3%. - <br /> <br />93. <br /> <br />Other than voting, do you feel <br />that if you wanted to, you could <br />have a say about the way the City <br />of Elk River runs things? <br /> <br />YES ....... . ........... 61% <br />NO .................. ..32% <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 7% <br /> <br />I would like to read you a list of a few city services. For each <br />one, Please tell me whether you would rate the quality of the <br />service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? <br /> <br /> EXC GOOD FAIR POOR D.K. <br /> <br />94. Street maintenance? <br /> <br />8% 59% 25% 9% 0% <br /> <br />95. Snow plowing? <br /> <br />10% 59% 23% 7% 1% <br /> <br />96. Street lighting? <br /> <br />7% 50% 27% 12% 4% <br /> <br />97. Police Protection? 19% 63% 10% 2% 5% <br />98. Fire Protection? 19% 62%' 8% 0% 11% <br />99. Sewers and water? 8% 46% 13% 3% 31% <br /> <br />100. City library? <br /> <br />20% 54% 13% 2% 11% <br /> <br />101. Do you fee! that the current five <br /> member City Council satisfac- <br /> torily represents you, or would <br /> a seven member Council better <br /> serve you? <br /> <br />FIVE MEMBER ........... 42% <br />SEVEN MEMBER .......... 38% <br />INDIFFERENT (VOL).....12% <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSED ..... 8% <br /> <br />155 <br /> <br /> <br />